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Strategic Plan of the SPTO 2021-2024 Lauched

IPR Daily

2022-06-03 19:26:42


The SPTO Strategic Plan 2021-2024 (hereinafter, PE 2021-2024) is the letter of introduction of the SPTO as a national and international industrial property organization, and provides the necessary action plan for the achievement of the five general objectives established in it, and thus allow the fulfillment of the Mission and the scope of the Vision of the office.

Our EP 2021-2024 is designed for the SPTO to contribute to the sustainable economic development and technological progress of Spanish society, promoting innovation, creativity and knowledge in the public and private sectors, through a strategic and intelligent use of Industrial Property. All this, being a useful and proactive office, close to users, with committed specialists, excellent in its operation, at the forefront of services and technology, as well as open to cooperation and internationally recognized.

Our EP 2021-2024 has been developed collaboratively, with the participation of all SPTO departments and the contributions of stakeholders and the general public, which have made it possible to obtain a Plan that strengthens the organization, allowing it to take advantage of the opportunities of the environment, preparing it to face difficulties and unforeseen events, and always ensuring the quality of its services.

The Plan has focused on the following 5 general objectives which, in turn, are broken down into 14 strategies and, these strategies, in a total of 51 projects:

  • Objective 1. Promote a strategic use of Industrial Property (3 strategies and 13 projects).

  • Objective 2. Promote research, development and technology transfer (3 strategies and 8 projects).

  • Objective 3. Contribute to the multilevel international governance of Industrial Property (2 strategies and 7 projects).

  • Objective 4. Promote the fight against counterfeiting and the violation of Industrial Property rights (2 strategies and 8 projects).

  • Objective 5. Moving towards a more people-centred, sustainable, digital, innovative, transparent and effective SPTO (4 strategies and 15 projects).

The EP 2021-2024 will be implemented through the corresponding Annual Operational Plans (POA), where the projects and specific activities that will be executed in the current year will be collected, and the specific results or effects to be achieved.

  • Year 2021:

Annual Operating Plan (POA) 2021

1st POA Monitoring Report 2021

2nd Monitoring Report of the POA 2021

3rd POA Monitoring Report 2021-Final Report

  • Year 2022:

Annual Operating Plan (POA) 2022

Source: oepm.es

Editor: IPR Daily-Selly

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