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European Commission Authorizes Two New Geographical Indications

IPR Daily

2022-06-15 11:47:38

This week the Commission approved two new Protected Geographical Indications (PGI): the Italian "Lenticchia di Onano" was added to the existing list of 1579 agricultural and food products, while the German "Hohenloher Birnenbrand" was added to the list of the 258 spirits already protected from the EU and third countries.

The "Lentil of Onano" is a type of lentil grown exclusively in six municipalities in the province of Viterbo, north-west of Lake Bolsena. It grows in volcanic soils and naturally rich in microelements, including iron. This results in a number of positive effects, notably a low sugar content, a full flavor and a good shelf life. Lentils have been grown and consumed in the Viterbo region since the Middle Ages to compensate for the lack of meat.

The "Hohenloher Birnenbrand" is a brandy produced exclusively in the German area of Hohenlohe by fermentation and distillation of pears originating in the region. Hohenlohe is characterized by lawn orchards, with similar tree species and rootstocks. The varieties of pears with a high sugar content are particularly suitable for the production of alcohol, and the brandy has an alcoholic strength of not less than 38% and an aromatic bouquet of pear.

Source: efanews.eu

Editor: IPR Daily-Selly

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