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Blackbird Technologies settles patent infringement suit against Lenovo


2018-08-14 14:44:36


US-based Blackbird Technologies announced yesterday that it has settled a patent enforcement complaint it made against technology company Lenovo for an undisclosed sum.

The company, which describes itself as a “new model for individual inventors and small companies to monetise their IP”, filed the lawsuit at the US District Court for the District of Delaware in March 2016.

Blackbird Technologies alleged that Lenovo’s ThinkPad Twist S230u laptop infringed the company’s US patent number 7,129,931, called “Multipurpose computer display system”.

The patented technology relates to a computer display system that can transform from a laptop to a tablet. The technology was designed to “maximise” a computer’s display screen.

Lenovo’s ThinkPad Twist product serves as a laptop and tablet by twisting the screen backwards.

Blackbird Technologies sought damages for Lenovo’s alleged infringement.

“The inventor of this technology had the vision to create a laptop that converted to a tablet long before tablets were the sought-after technology they are today,” Wendy Verlander, president and CEO of Blackbird Technologies, said yesterday.

The technology was invented by individual Nicholas Pappas and is currently assigned to Blackbird Technologies.

“We are very pleased that we could help him benefit from his extraordinary insight,” added Verlander.

Source: WIPR website

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